First National Node meeting in Poland

First National Node meeting in Poland

On 4th of June 2024, First National Node meeting in Poland took place. The host was Agricultural Advisory Centre in Brwinów, meeting was held via Teams. The participants were Operational Groups’ members; public and private advisory representatives, farmers and scientists.

Preselection of polish OGs gave the number of 8 OGs to be present during the meeting, but searching does not stop and CDR is in the process of further selection.

First part was dedicated to introduction and presentation of SoilXChange objectives and tasks. The aim was to encourage OGs to further cooperation and inform about benefits they are able to obtain.

After the presentation, OGs’ representatives introduced other participants with their activities, status of their project and gave deepen insight in their “soil related” research.

The topic of new Strategic Plan and the OGs’ role in it, emerged and led to clarifications made by Aleksander Bomberski, national innovation broker.

All participants showed a big interest in the project and, hopefully, CDR will be able to continue cooperation with all invited entities, advisors, farmers and scientists.

We got information about connections made between different OGs after the meeting, which gave us the sense of achieving the main aim – first step to creating the network.